Is there a limit to how high water can be transported in a tube?

How Do Trees Transport Water To Such Great Heights?

Sure, you may already know the answer to the question of how trees transport water up to such incredible heights. But this video from Veritasium is still worth it. It explains principles I didn’t even realize existed (water can only rise about 10 meters when sucked through a tube?) and makes a very compelling case… More

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Why Did We Use That Plastic?

We spend a lot of time at DeepRoot talking about the big picture of “green infrastructure,” but in order to assist in creating viable and sustainable urban eco-systems, we must actually produce products. Plastic products.

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Impressive Tropical Trees from a Visit to Kaua’i

 Ancient survivor This tree (Pandanus tectorius) has many names, including Hala and Screw-pine, but my favorite is Tourist Pineapple, because the fruits fool unsuspecting visitors. This primitive plant is found in fossil records all over the world, including as far away as Europe. It was assumed to be an introduced plant in Hawaii until a… More

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The Role of Trees and Plants in Bioretention

Silva Cells were originally developed to provide adequate tree rooting volumes even in areas dominated by pavement. They do this by extending rootable soil volume under HS20 load bearing surfaces. These rootable tree volumes and the large trees that root in them are also an efficient sustainable stormwater management system. Sometimes people ask us if… More

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The Myth of Root-Filled Stormwater Drain Pipes

Disturbance to pipes and sidewalks caused by roots is one of the most commonly cited complaints about trees. One of the many questions I get asked about is whether they penetrate and plug up drain pipes frequently. The answer – perhaps surprisingly – is no.

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The Advantages of Permeable Pavers Installed Over Silva Cells

There are many advantages to using permeable pavers over Silva Cell installations. The two biggest are maximizing stormwater volume, rate, and quality benefits, and minimizing installation and maintenance labor requirements. In today’s post, I’ll be discussing these two stormwater benefits (as well as a few extras!) in more detail.

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