
From Liability to Asset: Green Stormwater Management

Stormwater Management: Conventional Wisdom The traditional approach to stormwater management in urban environments has been to treat it as a problem to be managed, a liability that cities must control to prevent flooding, pollution, and infrastructure damage. Cities have been built upon this principle: quickly removing runoff from urban areas, directing it into storm drains,… More

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How to Design for the Future with Soil Basics

As Jim Urban says, “Designing sites is not about looking great the day, month, or year they are completed. It is about creating landscapes that can function and thrive for many years and decades to come.” The foundation of successful urban green space design is prioritizing both the soil and the trees – and optimizing… More

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Installer Qualifications for Silva Cell Projects

Do you need to have prior Silva Cell experience to install the system? No! Our Standard Specifications call for Silva Cells to be installed by a “qualified installer whose work has resulted in successful installation of planting soils and planter drainage systems, underground piping, chambers, and vault structures.” In other words, contractors can meet these… More

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The Connective Power of Public Space

Introduction Physical public spaces have for decades been important features of urban living, community centerpieces that provide a number of concurrent benefits – from health advantages to spurring economic revitalization and increased home values. If anything, the technological and medical conditions of modern life – from social media and virtual meetings to the Covid-19 pandemic… More

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Urban Biodiversity: The Future of Conservation

Cities at the Forefront Biodiversity, the mix of animal and plant species in a given region, is an important measure of environmental health and a crucial component of conservation efforts. Traditional thinking on biodiversity has viewed cities as its antithesis — a disturbance to the natural environment where life organically thrives. And there’s no doubt… More

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Using Silva Cells with Green Roofs and On-Structure Applications

Silva Cells and On-Structure Installations The DeepRoot Silva Cell system has been installed in dozens of rooftop and on-structure projects around the world. Whether on top of existing structures — such as parking garages — or a garden terrace atop a new construction project, Silva Cells can help create structure as well as bioretention for… More

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Comparing Silva Cells and Structural Soil

We get asked to compare Silva Cells to CU Soil with some frequency. It’s a comparison that we always hesitate to make, because to us it’s really a case of apples and oranges. While they may seem to be solutions to the same challenges, there are some very significant differences that affect their value and performance for tree growth… More

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What Is Suspended Pavement?

Introduction When we talk about low-impact development and design today, the term “suspended pavement” is frequently used — but rarely defined. It’s important to understand this practice within the field of green infrastructure, so let’s examine what suspended pavement is as well as its history, uses, composition, and case studies. What is Suspended Pavement? Suspended… More

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Top 7 DeepRoot Silva Cell FAQs for Contractors

1: Can Silva Cells go around utilities? Yes, our modules can be moved and oriented to accommodate most utilities, footings, and other obstacles. Integration with utilities is by no means a barrier to using Silva Cells! Silva Cells are designed to be completely structurally independent, meaning it is not necessary for them to be in… More

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Silva Cells Can Be Installed with (around) Existing Trees – Part II

Following our post about critical questions to ask prior to using Silva Cells with existing trees, the following are a few examples of successful applications in the USA and Canada. As with any root pruning operation we always recommend close consultation with a local certified arborist. Gallant Ave | Deep Cove | British Columbia This… More

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What Not To Plant

Something simple and extremely fundamental must underpin any effort to increase the biodiversity of the urban canopy: adequate quantity and quality soil and water. That’s it. If a guy wanted to grow a great tree in a typical 4 x 4 urban tree opening, he could add macronutrients (NPK), micronutrients (Mn, Mg, etc.), compost tea,… More

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