Happy Halloween from DeepRoot!
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
After a big windstorm, we who work with and love trees take note of the damage with trepidation. Large trees that have split apart or lost a major part of their structure often cannot be saved and must be removed. Fortunately tomorrow’s urban forest has a better chance – if we act today!
Here’s a round up of photos from five recent Silva Cell installations. Pictured above is the Coconut Grove Business Improvement District Enhancement (Phase 1), a streetscape project (Virginia x Florida) in Miami, FL. This project was designed by Curtis & Rogers Design Studio and installed by Southern Blossoms. This one was involved in a protracted and emotional kerfuffle between… More
While green roofs have been used for the past 30-40 years in Europe, the spread of green roof technology in North America is much more recent. Need for low impact stormwater management techniques is one of the biggest drivers for green roof technology in North America.
Sometimes, in order to bring new understanding to an issue and cut through the meaningful-but-sometimes-numbing-data, you need to reframe it. There are so many ways that big trees enhance life for people and other living things: air quality, safety, water quality, lower temperatures. These cross environmental, development, and design boundaries. All are fundamentally public health… More
It was almost two years ago that we posted installation photos from a big Silva Cell installation called Project 180 in Oklahoma City. Today, we have gorgeous updated photos to share with you.
In part 1 of this series, I summarized some of the lessons we learned from those people on the forefront of setting minimum soil volume policies. In today’s article, I will summarize how actual adopted soil volume policies compare to the minimum soil volumes trees need according to research studies.
View Silva Cell Locations in a larger map Last time I posted about the Silva Cell installation map was about two years and 200 installations ago. I figured it was time for a refresher. The installation map is where we keep track of every Silva Cell project, ever. The DeepRoot offices are in the United… More
Tree and Design Action Group (TDAG), a UK-based non-profit, is offering three workshops in November centered (centred) around their recent “Trees In the Townscape” report. The dates for the workshops are:
Trees need an adequate volume of rootable, oxygen-rich soil to thrive, and minimum soil volume policies are a powerful tool for arborists and other advocates to leverage better growing conditions for trees, especially in urban areas. In preparation for Peter MacDonagh’s presentation at the 2012 ISA conference in Portland, OR, “Leveraging Healthy Urban Forests with… More