
Investment vs. Returns for Healthy Urban Trees Lifecycle Cost Analysis

We’ve been talking about doing it forever, and now we finally have: a lifecycle analysis that examines the investment vs. returns of street trees planted using traditional methods (4′ x 4′ cutouts) and in a suspended pavement (Silva Cell) treatment. Before we go any further, thanks are due to the Kestrel Design Group, in particular Nathalie Shanstrom,… More

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Silva Cell Case Study: Lidl Store (New Milton, UK)

Today’s blog post is actually a sneak peak of our most recent case study, and highlights a Silva Cell installation at a Lidl Store car park in New Milton. It will be available for download off the website shortly. The open expanse of most car parks makes them unpleasant places in almost all weather conditions, whether… More

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The Case For Trees

The following Seven Roles of the Urban Street Tree is a straight re-post from “recovering architect” John Massengale. 1) Define the space of the street. This particularly applies to streets that are too wide for the height of the buildings, streets with holes in the street wall, or suburban streets where buildings are too far apart… More

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Street Scenes from “Vertigo” – Then & Now

As someone who grew up in New York City but now lives in the city by the bay, the scarcity of movies that take place in San Francisco has always surprised me. I can’t explain it, though I’m sure someone can (anyone? anyone?). Of course, there are a few very, very famous films that take… More

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Using HydroCAD to Model the Silva Cell for Stormwater Management

Back in April we announced a partnership with HydroCAD that allows designers to easily model Silva Cells as a part of their overall stormwater management plan. Today, I thought I’d walk you through the basics of creating a stormwater management plan using the Silva Cell system within HydroCAD. 

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Video Tour of ASLA Green Roof

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8E278d5d0z0 Neat video from the ASLA giving us a tour of the green roof on their Washington, D.C. headquarters. I wouldn’t mind a place like that to each lunch when nice weather arrives.

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March Event Schedule

March: In like a lion and out like a lamb, right? Or, in the case of the Bay Area, in like a burrito and out like a shawarma (what?). Either way, here is what we have in our date book for March.

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Finding the Perfect Shade Tree

Another very handy post from Blooming Rock that I have to pass along, this time about how to pick the right tree for the right location from guest blogger Lysistrata Hall, a Landscape Architect I with the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department and one of the principal authors of the Tree and Shade Master Plan.

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The Contractor & The Architect – A Love/Hate Poem

Taz Loomans of Blooming Rock shared a poem called “The Contractor & The Architect,” written in 1954, that she found in a copy of Arizona Builder & Contractor Magazines while doing research for a different article. It is too good not to share here!

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