
ASLA Launches Green Infrastructure Campaign

The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) recently announced the launch of a Green Infrastructure Campaign to bring attention to the role that green infrastructure plays in healthy, sustainable communities — as well as the role of the landscape architecture community in undertaking and meeting these goals. The campaign also focuses of legislation, most recently HR… More

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Chicago to Undertake Tree Census

The Chicago Tribune is reporting that the City will undertake a tree census led by Edith Makra, community trees advocate at the Morton Arboretum, in close cooperation with the Forest Service. This effort has been designed to accurately tally all the species that are living in the yards, parks, and streets of every city and town, and unincorporated area of Cook, DuPage,… More

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Silva Cell Case Study: 1111 Lincoln Road (Miami, FL)

We’ve got a new case study to share with you, this time from a mixed-use promenade along Lincoln Road in Miami, FL. This installation had some unique features, including the use of the Silva Cell below water gardens for bald cypresses and mangroves. Raymond Jungles and James Urban did the design, GT McDonald did the… More

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How Does the Silva Cell Affect Street Tree Value?

By L. Peter MacDonagh, RLA, ISA, LEED-AP This post has a lot of statistics. If you are tired this may not be the blog post to read. Reading it when you are well rested will probably help. The May 2010 issue of Landscape Architecture Magazine has a terrific article in it, “What is a Street Tree… More

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Nice Big Plaza Trees! Neyland Stadium Silva Cell Installation

Last week we had second installation in Knoxville, TN (the first was Andy Holt Avenue) at a new entrance to Neyland Stadium! Pat, our Installation Coordinator, was on site observing the job. 12 total tree openings in a plaza outside the newly constructed stadium will be augmented with a single layer 48 of Silva Cells,… More

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Tree Benefits Calculator

A tree’s quantitative benefits are not always easy to measure. There are numerous factors to be taken in to account, and many possible benefits to try to nail down: added value to the sale price of a home or business, psychological benefits, pedestrian safety, and of course environmental impact are just a few of the… More

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Instructions on How to Store, And Not Store, Silva Cells

Imagine how aghast we were when we saw this photo of the Silva Cells being “stored” at a recent project in Miami: Eeek! I think you all can guess that this is not how we recommend storing them. In fact, disregarding our recommended storage practices (which are included in every box shipped — no excuses,… More

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Silva Cell Makes it to SF Streetsblog!

We are super excited to share that DeepRoot and the Silva Cell have made it to the big time — or at least to the SF Streetsblog, which is the big time as far as we’re concerned. An article by Matt Baume lucidly explains the bigger picture of what we’re trying to do, and sheds… More

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Great Bud Extension on Trees Growing in Silva Cells in Washington D.C.

Peter MacDonagh, Director of Design + Science for Deep Root Urban Solutions, and Al Key, Northeast Director of Sales, recently checked the bud extension for several linden trees planted in January 2008 along South Capitol Street in Washington D.C. The bud extension is excellent, indicating that these trees are very healthy. Check out Peter and… More

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900 North Michigan Avenue Installation Underway

A Silva Cell streetscape project in Chicago is currently underway at 900 North Michigan Avenue from today (June 8th) through Thursday June 10th. This project will see 7 total trees installed over four phases (this is Phase II). The site was designed by Daniel Weinbach & Partners and is being installed by the Brickman Group.

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What Does “Tree City USA” Mean?

Have you ever noticed how some cities in the U.S. call themselves a “Tree City USA”? I’ve been seeing that term around for years and understood it was some kind of official designation — but what exactly does it mean? “Tree City USA” is a program run by the Arbor Day Foundation to encourage the valuation… More

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Silva Cells to Help With On-Site Stormwater Management in Ipswich Plaza

This photo is from a Silva Cell installation at the intersection of Prince and Queen Streets in Ipswich a couple of weeks ago. The installation is part of an overall £650,000 town centre improvement being undertaken by the Ipswich Borough Council. Five Gingko Biloba trees will be planted in this continuous Silva Cell trench when the installation… More

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