
Tour a Sustainable Sidewalk at Greenbuild

Want to tour a sustainable sidewalk in Toronto? Now you can. It may not look like much from the street, but this is one of our most exciting Silva Cell projects — a pilot proof-of-concept demonstration along The Queensway that is analyzing green infrastructure at work. Join us for the free tour on Thursday, October 6th, from 3 –… More

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An ISA Certified… What?

I get several calls a week from the weekend warriors working on various home improvements. Often these improvements relate to cutting tree roots and some type of hardscape (such as sidewalks, driveways, foundations, and retaining walls).  The first thing I suggest is that the homeowner talk to an ISA Certified Arborist before doing any sort… More

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Suspended Pavement at the Bartlett Tree Lab, Year 7

Here are this year’s photos from the Bartlett Tree Lab study comparing different planting methods for urban trees. For comparison, check out last year’s set. And for a fuller chronological picture, you can see all the photos up to that point in this post.

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Aurora-Shoreline Bioretention Planter Case Study

Back in January we posted about a project in Shoreline, WA, where the Silva Cells were being used to extend a sidewalk rain garden underneath paving. This stretch of the project is finally completed! It looks amazing, and we’ve got a case study to tell you all about it.

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Bamboo Containment and Installation

I’ve been growing bamboo since 1978 and have made many mistakes. Some species of bamboo doesn’t do well in Ohio, where I’m based, because they won’t tolerate the cold weather in winter. In some cases I’ve left the plants growing in my yard if only to show others what won’t do well in my climate. To control bamboo’s growth… More

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Bamboo Barrier: The Thicker the Better?

Bamboo. It is great stuff. It is beautiful to look at, sounds neat in the wind, and makes a lovely privacy screen from your neighbors. You know the saying good fences make good neighbors (or good privacy screens make good neighbors). But if bamboo isn’t contained, those same neighbors you are trying to get some private time… More

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