It’s been a while since we’ve shared some recent Silva Cell installations. Today’s round up is all projects from the U.K.!
Pictured above is the Hadyn Ellis Building at Cardiff University. This streetscape application, along Maindy Road, will provide soil for six trees. This project was designed by Davies Landscape Architects and installed by Horan Construction.
This is Dortmund Square, in Leeds. Here, the Silva Cells are being used to provide nearly 28 cubic meters (1,000 cubic feet) of soil for an iconic plaza tree as part of the Queen’s Jubilee. This is to play a vital part in connecting green corridors throughout Leeds. It was designed by the City Council of Leeds and installed by UPM Tilhill (now Ground Control).
A second project in Leeds, the Leeds Arena, was also installed recently along Claypit Lane. This installation is for twelve trees. Design by Grontmij, installation by Palmer Landscapes.
The Queensmead Shopping District project is for 13 trees in Farnborough. Each tree is getting around 17 cubic meters (600 cubic feet), which is terrific. This project was designed by Rushmoor Borough Council and installed by Walker Construction Ltd.
The last project we’re touching on today is part of a multi-part scheme called Transport for the 21st Century. Pictured here is the section along Dog’s Head Street (best/worst street name ever?) in Ipswich. Design by Ipswich Borough Council, installation by Kings Landscapes.
Have a project in the UK that you’re working on where you’d like to use the Silva Cell? Contact Steve Chatwin-Grindey ([email protected]).
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