
From Liability to Asset: Green Stormwater Management

Stormwater Management: Conventional Wisdom The traditional approach to stormwater management in urban environments has been to treat it as a problem to be managed, a liability that cities must control to prevent flooding, pollution, and infrastructure damage. Cities have been built upon this principle: quickly removing runoff from urban areas, directing it into storm drains,… More

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Maximizing Urban Space: Creativity and Innovation in Stormwater Management

Introduction Green infrastructure has become a widely adopted component of stormwater treatment initiatives across the globe — but can GI be integrated even in the tightest-space built environments, where numerous priorities are competing for the same area? Yes! With a little creative design and the right strategic partners, GI can be utilized in just about… More

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Royal Tyrrell Museum: Dinosaurs and Silva Cells

Introduction It’s August 12, 1884, and geologist Joseph Tyrrell — on the hunt for coal seams in Alberta’s Red Deer Valley — discovers something far different: the first dinosaur fossil ever found in the region, later named the Albertosaurus for its geographical lineage. A hundred years later, the Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, an homage to… More

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How Much Soil Do You Need to Grow a Big Tree?

Introduction The question of how much soil is required to grow a big tree is one that has been debated among arborists and landscape architects for decades — and the answer isn’t black and white. Space, pollutants, and engineering requirements are all major considerations that affect the growing conditions of urban trees. And, other than… More

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Silva Cell’s Allow Trees to Thrive in Parking Lots

DeepRoot is key to the growth of urban forests everywhere for everyone to enjoy. Parking lots and car parks have not traditionally been designed with the health and longevity of trees top of mind. DeepRoot’s Silva Cell is intentional in creating more space and accommodating more soil where it is most imperative: at a tree’s… More

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Top 7 DeepRoot Silva Cell FAQs for Contractors

1: Can Silva Cells go around utilities? Yes, our modules can be moved and oriented to accommodate most utilities, footings, and other obstacles. Integration with utilities is by no means a barrier to using Silva Cells! Silva Cells are designed to be completely structurally independent, meaning it is not necessary for them to be in… More

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The New Normal: A Silva Cell Case Study in Normal, Illinois

-Supporting and tripling the life expectancy of 67 trees, and helping to shape a sustainable identity for Normal’s Uptown Center: The Circle -The project won half a dozen awards and springboarded the city of Normal into a net positive economy. Halfway between St. Louis and Chicago, sits Normal, Illinois, a town of about 52,000 that… More

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Silva Cell “Leeds” the Way in Sovereign Square: Case Study

Sovereign Square is the first significant redevelopment in Leeds City Centre in a generation. Seven years ago, the City of Leeds, a financial and legal hub in the UK, initiated the transformation of an industrial site to a green, urban oasis. Between Sovereign Place and Sovereign Street, the aptly named Sovereign Square has become what… More

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Tree Roots Improve Soil Infiltration Rates

As discussed in previous blogs, tree and soil provide stormwater benefits in many different ways: Cleansing:  Trees clean stormwater through many different mechanisms, including filtration, adsorption, and plant uptake. Interception: Interception is the amount of rainfall temporarily held on tree leaves and stem surfaces. This rain then drips from leaf surfaces and flows down the… More

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Silva Cell’s Support 167 trees in Downtown Minneapolis: A Case Study

– Silva Cells solved the 2009 CSO stormwater transition during the Marquette and 2nd Avenue (MARQ2) busway project, mitigating stormwater runoff. – Over 167 trees were installed along 48 blocks of downtown Minneapolis each with 588 ft3 (16.6 m3) of soil volume. – Above ground, the trees provide shade, clean air, and beauty. Below ground,… More

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Green Infrastructure and the 3 Cs: 300 Front St. Case Study, Toronto

Creating a Standard for a Green Infrastructure Sidewalk This is the first of a series of five posts featuring case studies that illustrate the need for a paradigm shift for how streets and sidewalks are designed and constructed. This new paradigm for Green Infrastructure is based on Creativity, Collaboration, and Compromise (CC&C), and is demonstrated… More

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