
A Cat’s Literal Treehouse

Meet Almond the cat, demonstrating both the independent feline spirit and the importance of tending to the trees and/or cats in front of your house. 

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What Arborists Need to Know About Working With Wildlife

Through my work with DeepRoot, I’ve come to love and appreciate trees – especially urban trees – in a way that I never anticipated, so much so that I recently became a certified arborist. But my greatest love, since I was very little, was for animals. There is an intersection between these two interests, of… More

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Trees & Design Action Group: Not Just A London Thing!

Finding influential tree people in any one industry or organisation can be difficult. Finding influential tree people in various disciplines to get around a table at the same time can be like trying to find the Loch Ness Monster or a Sasquatch: we hear about these rare things, but finding them is elusive. Since its… More

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Municipalities With Soil Volume Minimums for Trees

This post is now out of date! Please see the updated post here. In the day-to-day, we can become so focused on what isn’t working with the way we design and plant street trees that it can be difficult to focus on the people and places that are actually doing right by them. It’s just so… More

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Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.

Earlier this year, Silva Cells were installed at the new Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial in Washington D.C. This site will commemorate the legacy of Dr. King but is not solely about the past; it is also about the future. 

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Silva Cell Article in the BC Globe and Mail

2011 ended with a nice bit of publicity for the Silva Cell from The Globe and Mail (British Columbia edition only. Sad trombone). They filed it under the category “Things that work”! Read the full article here.

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Leveraging Huge Public Investments Using Trees

I read a lot of news stories about development projects described by words like sustainable, walkable, dense, and multi-use. These characteristics are experiencing a real surge in emphasis from both a design standpoint and from media coverage, and rightly so. They are some of the pillars of community design that support the physical and economic… More

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Getting Excited Over the Ordinary

My colleague Peter directed me to this The Creators Project post about a pair of unusual apartment buildings by Italian architect Stefano Boeri called the bosco verticale (“vertical forest”) currently underway in Milan. Boeri’s project is exactly what it sounds like, and based on the renderings almost appears to be more forest than building. 

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High Performance Urban Forestry for Green Infrastructure

To kick off 2012, we’re reprinting this great post written by Matthew Gordy for the Boston Society of Landscape Architects back in April 2011. One thing I love about this post is the theme of high performance. We plan and expect for high performance with other types of utilities and urban infrastructure because we want… More

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