
Compaction and Sand-Based Structural Soil (SBSS)

There are many factors that contribute to the failure of urban trees, and many are related to soil issues, such as lack of viable soil, soil volume, and compaction. For my entire career, Landscape Architects have been working with Soil Scientists, Engineers, and Arborists to design urban tree planting techniques to meet specific horticultural, structural,… More

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The Limitations of Structural Soil: Why It’s Not the Best Solution for Expanding Total Soil Volume

Introduction The space constraints of dense city environments present a challenge for project planners implementing an urban forestry element. There are, however, a number of solutions to help improve conditions for healthy tree growth. The Silva Cells are one such choice, a suspended-pavement system allowing for maximum soil volume. Another option is structural soil —… More

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How Much Soil Do You Need to Grow a Big Tree?

Introduction The question of how much soil is required to grow a big tree is one that has been debated among arborists and landscape architects for decades — and the answer isn’t black and white. Space, pollutants, and engineering requirements are all major considerations that affect the growing conditions of urban trees. And, other than… More

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What is Soil Structure and Why is it Important?

A previous blog entry, Healthy Soils for Healthy Trees, discussed the importance of preserving soil structure from being destroyed by compaction. Together, soil texture and soil structure have the greatest influence on pore space in soil, and how easily air, water, and roots can move through a soil. Many people are aware of what soil… More

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What’s the Difference Between Urban Soil and Forest Soil?

You don’t need much experience in arboriculture or landscape design to notice that planting trees in cities is very different from planting trees in forest environments. There are many reasons for this, but perhaps the biggest is the difference in composition of the soil.

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Silva Cell’s Allow Trees to Thrive in Parking Lots

DeepRoot is key to the growth of urban forests everywhere for everyone to enjoy. Parking lots and car parks have not traditionally been designed with the health and longevity of trees top of mind. DeepRoot’s Silva Cell is intentional in creating more space and accommodating more soil where it is most imperative: at a tree’s… More

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Silva Cells Can Be Installed with (around) Existing Trees – Part II

Following our post about critical questions to ask prior to using Silva Cells with existing trees, the following are a few examples of successful applications in the USA and Canada. As with any root pruning operation we always recommend close consultation with a local certified arborist. Gallant Ave | Deep Cove | British Columbia This… More

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Soil Volume Minimums for Street Trees Organized by State/Province

At DeepRoot, we promote large volumes of non-compacted, biologically active loam as essential for street tree health and longevity. Urban foresters generally adhere to the following minimums: 300 cubic feet for small trees, 600 cubic feet for medium trees, and 1,000 cubic feet for large trees. However, some municipalities are taking soil volume cubic feet… More

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UK Soil Volume Status for Urban Trees

Trees do a tremendous amount for our communities in a number of essential ways. Unlike a streetlamp or a water main, their influence is diffuse— they affect everything from air and water quality, to flooding, to temperatures, to property values and incidence of crime. Urban trees are under more pressure and facing greater challenges to… More

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UK Soil Volume Status for Urban Trees

Trees do a tremendous amount for our communities in a number of essential ways. Unlike a streetlamp or a water main, their influence is diffuse— they affect everything from air and water quality, to flooding, to temperatures, to property values and incidence of crime. Urban trees are under more pressure and facing greater challenges to… More

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Horticultural Myths Exposed

Horticulture is the art of cultivating. Garden herbs, plants, produce, flowers, fruits, nuts, and trees all fall under the horticulture category. The common denominator in all of these is soil. One of DeepRoot’s favorite industry leaders and researchers of healthy soil and effective horticulture is Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott. Dr. Chalker-Scott is an Extension Urban Horticulturist… More

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