
Why Do Tree Leaves Change Color?

Sarah’s post last week got me thinking about fall foliage. Everyone loves the changing colors, but until recently I didn’t know why it happened. There are three primary factors that affect fall color: the length of the day/night, weather, and leaf pigments. 

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How Do Trees Save Energy?

Many people and (dare I say) authors of this blog cite energy savings as one of many benefits of healthy urban trees. But where exactly do these energy savings come from? The answer comes in two parts: trees benefit buildings immediately neighboring them, and they also benefit the surrounding city.

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Minnesota Fall Colors

It has all but come and gone here in the upper Midwest, but the fall season makes living in this part of the world well worth it.  Fall conjures up so many great feelings and memories.  It is a time when you actually enjoy wearing wool socks and sweaters, get to plan Halloween festivities and… More

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How To Protect Silva Cells & Utilities From Accidental Damage

The Silva Cell product is designed for use in the urban environment, so integrating Silva Cells and underground utilities is an important topic to us. In a previous post we discussed basic design strategies and construction methods for integrating Silva Cells and utilities. The next question we’re most often asked usually starts something like this:… More

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How Planting Trees Is Like (Not) Eating Marshmallows

One of the most famous social science experiments of all time is the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment. This study, conducted in 1972 by psychologist Walter Mischel, examined the development of delayed gratification in children and the influence it had on their choices and success rates adults.

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Silva Cell Projects Included in EPA & ASLA Stormwater Case Studies

Many readers of this blog may already be aware that the Environmental Protection Agency recently started a national rulemaking process with the goal of creating a new program to reduce stormwater runoff. To prepare for this process, they put out a request for information about projects utilizing green infrastructure design techniques that mimic natural stormwater processes (evapotranspiration, infiltration,… More

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EPA Green Infrastructure Webcast Series

This EPA webinar was recommended to me by my colleague Sarah. She said Daniel Christian’s talk was a straight-forward overview of design and construction considerations and basics of green infrastructure.

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