There’s been a lot of posts lately about DeepRoot events. Sorry the normal balance of blog content is off, but it’s tradeshow season apparently. What can we say?
DeepRoot will be exhibiting at the Prairie ISA show October 15 – 17 in Canmore, AB. We are in Booth 15. And in addition to exhibiting at the show, Michael James of DeepRoot Canada will be leading a pre-conference Silva Cell Design Workshop.
When: October 15, 2012 from 1:00 – 4:30
Where: Radisson Hotel and Conference Center (Canmore, AB)
Cost: $52.50
CEU: 1 CEU per hour of seating time
The workshop will cover Silva Cells from preliminary design through installation and will include a field layout demonstration. It’s ideal for arborists, landscape architects, architects, engineers, municipal staff and contractors.
To sign up for the Silva Cell design workshop, please complete this form and submit it directly to the ISA. We look forward to seeing you at the show!
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