Do you need to have prior Silva Cell experience to install the system? No! Our Standard Specifications call for Silva Cells to be installed by a “qualified installer whose work has resulted in successful installation of planting soils and planter drainage systems, underground piping, chambers, and vault structures.” In other words, contractors can meet these… More
At DeepRoot, we’re very comfortable in the cold – in fact, Minneapolis is the home base for our technical and marketing teams (with even more hardworking DeepRooters spread across the Canadian landscape). This is equally true of our Silva Cells, which have been supporting urban forests and treating stormwater in some of the world’s coldest… More
Introduction The economic vibrancy of many downtown cores, particularly in small- to medium-sized towns, has been waning in recent decades, losing retail and residential ground to adjacent suburbs. The reasons why are complex — but there’s no denying that at least part of the problem is the space itself: downtown districts often feature outdated and… More
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