
Cold Weather Silva Cell Projects: History of Success

At DeepRoot, we’re very comfortable in the cold – in fact, Minneapolis is the home base for our technical and marketing teams (with even more hardworking DeepRooters spread across the Canadian landscape).

This is equally true of our Silva Cells, which have been supporting urban forests and treating stormwater in some of the world’s coldest cities for more than 15 years. The system was built for durability, in even the harshest conditions.

We love designing solutions that thrive in the environments where we live and work – and Silva Cells’ ability to withstand the challenges of extreme temperature underscores its versatility, allowing us to continue bringing green infrastructure to even the coldest climates.

Here are some of the frosty cities in which Silva Cells have for years been hard at work.

Twin Cities, Minnesota

First Installation: 2009

Projects: 20+

January Average Low Temperature: 7 degrees Fahrenheit / -13 degrees Celsius

Edmonton, Alberta

First Installation: 2010

Projects: 50+

January Average Low Temperature: 3 degrees Fahrenheit / -16 degrees Celsius

Winnipeg, Manitoba

First Installation: 2008

Projects: 25+

January Average Low Temperature: 0 degrees Fahrenheit / -18 degrees Celsius

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

First Installation: 2010

Projects: 15+

January Average Low Temperature: -5 degrees Fahrenheit / -21 degrees Celsius

Chicago, Illinois

First Installation: 2009

Projects: 15+

January Average Low Temperature: 22 degrees Fahrenheit / -5 degrees Celsius

Thunder Bay, Ontario

First Installation: 2011

Projects: 10+

January Average Low Temperature: -4 degrees Fahrenheit / -20 degrees Celsius

Fairbanks, Alaska

First Installation: 2015

Projects: 2

January Average Low Temperature: -15 degrees Fahrenheit / -26 degrees Celsius

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

First Installation: 2018

Projects: 1

January Average Low Temperature: -20 degrees Fahrenheit / -29 degrees Celsius

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