
Top 7 DeepRoot Silva Cell FAQs for Contractors

1: Can Silva Cells go around utilities? Yes, our modules can be moved and oriented to accommodate most utilities, footings, and other obstacles. Integration with utilities is by no means a barrier to using Silva Cells! Silva Cells are designed to be completely structurally independent, meaning it is not necessary for them to be in… More

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Every Which Way of Integrating Silva Cells and Utilities

“What about utilities?” This is probably the most frequently asked question I hear on projects where the Silva Cell is being used. And I get it! Utilities are an extremely important consideration. As DeepRoot’s technical manager, I am often the person responsible for explaining what the different options are for working around utilities in pre-construction… More

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All About Silva Cell Setbacks

One of the most misunderstood Silva Cell standards is the 18” (45 cm) setback from roadway traffic.  It’s true that when Silva Cells are installed adjacent to a roadway, we require 18” (45 cm) of horizontal separation between the Silva Cells and the path of the nearest tire.  There are two reasons for this requirement…. More

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