
Green Infrastructure and the 3 C’s: Creativity Collaboration and Compromise

Developing Green Infrastructure in Cities Requires a Paradigm Shift The imperative of dealing with climate change has generated the need for cities to develop “green” infrastructure. The development of green, environmentally ethical, infrastructure needs upstream support from politicians and policymakers to succeed. It also requires fundamental changes downstream to the way plans for streets and… More

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Our Recommended Soil Volume for Urban Trees

We have a lot of resources about implementing minimum soil volumes for urban trees on this blog. Recently we’ve updated our list of municipalities that have a minimum soil volume standard. Trees need an adequate volume of root, oxygen-rich soil to thrive, and minimum soil volume policies are a powerful tool for arborists and other advocates… More

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Silva Cell “Leeds” the way in Sovereign Square: Case Study

Sovereign Square is the first significant redevelopment in Leeds City Centre in a generation. Seven years ago, the City of Leeds, a financial and legal hub in the UK, initiated the transformation of an industrial site to a green, urban oasis. Between Sovereign Place and Sovereign Street, the aptly named Sovereign Square has become what… More

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Stormwater Quality Benefits of Bioretention With Trees

It’s hard to tell just by looking at a tree-lined street, but soil and its microbes, in combination with trees, work together as a powerful system to improve the quality of stormwater that is filtered through it. Some pollutants are held or filtered by soil, others are taken up or transformed by plants or microbes,… More

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Haas School of Business Courtyard Renovation Silva Cell Case Study

The Haas  School of Business at the University of California-Berkeley wanted to renovate their central courtyard to create a more inviting and functional environment where students, faculty, staff, and visitors  could gather and share ideas. This renovation, the school felt, was essential to furthering their mission to develop leaders who redefine business. Three interconnected buildings… More

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Silva Cells at Historic Lakeshore Road, Oakville Ontario – Case Study

The Town of Oakville sits halfway between Toronto and Hamilton, along Lake Ontario’s waterfront. Lakeshore Road was originally a First Nations trail, running along the shore of Lake Ontario. Over time, as European settlers arrived, the road became a central east/west artery through Oakville around which its downtown core developed. Fast-forward to 2020 and Lakeshore… More

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Silva Cells at Pacific Plaza, Dallas Texas – Case Study

The City of Dallas has installed 180 DeepRoot Silva Cells and 36 trees at the newly opened Pacific Plaza downtown park. Pacific Plaza was originally a parking lot that has been transformed into a 3.7-acre slice of green, providing a welcome refuge for shade in the urban heat island of downtown Dallas. Pacific Plaza was… More

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The Role of Trees for Bioretention Areas

Silva Cells were originally developed to provide adequate tree rooting volumes even in areas dominated by pavement. They do this by extending rootable soil volume under HS20 load bearing surfaces. These rootable tree volumes and the large trees that root in them are also an efficient sustainable stormwater management system. Sometimes people ask us if… More

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Stylish New Austin Hotel Uses Silva Cell

If there were ever a place to take refuge in Austin, Texas it would be at Arrive Hotel. The stylish new hotel features a restaurant, brews, local artist displays, and eight thriving trees. Austin’s East 6th St has been up and coming for years, and the new “low-key luxury” hotel will certainly sustain the enthusiasm…. More

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Silva Cell Stormwater and Design Tool Release!

Engineers, Landscape Architects, Designers, we have an exciting new tool for you! Wondering how many Silva Cells® you need to meet your project stormwater management goals? This tool is your guide. DeepRoot Green Infrastructure’s Technical Director Pat Greeley and DeepRoot Urban Solutions (UK) Dr. Chris Newton have created the Silva Cell Stormwater Design and Sizing… More

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