
Montgomery County, Maryland Approves Silva Cell as Stormwater BMP

Exciting news! As of July 9th, 2012, the Silva Cell has received approval from Montgomery County, Maryland, as a stormwater best management practice (BMP).

This is beyond the acceptance on a project by project basis that we had previously. It means that anybody who wants to implement a stormwater BMP is their designs in Mongtomery County can do so using Silva Cells (their use will still need to be approved as part of a Storm Water Concept plan).

As always, the Silva Cell cannot be put in drive lanes, and use in any right of way must be approved by the Department of Transportation, Montgomery County, and the Right of Way Section of the Department of Permitting Services. This approval only applies to retrofit construction.

Montgomery County does permitting for all construction within the County with the exception of State, Federal and WSSC projects, the City of Gaithersburg, the City of Tacoma Park and the City of Rockville. We intend to leverage this approval with the other counties within Maryland as well as with the State Department of the Environment (MDE). It’s also relevant for entities like DC Water, whose jurisdiction for potable water delivery and combined sewer overflows reaches into Montgomery County.

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