I like to periodically share information about recent Silva Cell installations, and today’s roundup is all Canadian projects – many for which we have before and after pictures. The soil volumes, applications, and age of these projects vary, so make sure to pay attention to the installation summaries for each. The above picture is from an installation at Mississauga Civic Square in 2010. Click through to see the after picture!
Mississauga Civic Square (Mississauga, ON)
Designer: Janet Rosenberg & Studio
Contractor: Pave Al Ltd.
Installed: November 2010
Trees: 16
Silva Cells: 1,010 frames and 830 decks
Soil volume per tree: approx. 630 cubic feet
Old Kingston Road (Pickering, ON)
Designer: Aecom – Coburg
Contractor: Wyndale Paving Co. Ltd.
Installed: November 2010
Trees: 32
Silva Cells: 760 frames and 380 decks
Soil volume per tree: approx. 250 cubic feet
Goldstone Park Elementary School (Surrey, BC)
Designer: Craven Houston Powers Architecture & Landscape Architecture
Contractor: Olivit Construction
Installed: August 2013 (no after picture available yet)
Trees: 9
Silva Cells: 130 frames and 70 decks
Soil volume per tree: approx. 150 cubic feet
First Avenue Rooftop (Vancouver, BC)
Designer: eckford tyacke + associates (formerly Eckford & Associates)
Contractor: Houston Landscapes
Installed: October 2008
Trees: 1
Silva Cells: 40 frames and 20 decks
Soil volume per tree: approx. 450 cubic feet
3rd Avenue (Saskatoon, SK)
Designer: City of Saskatoon
Contractor: n/a
Installed: April 2010
Trees: 26
Silva Cells: 720 frames and 360 decks
Soil volume per tree: approx. 300 cubic feet
To learn more about these installations, or any other Canadian projects, contact mjames [at] deeproot [dot] com.
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