Over 20 years ago, the City of Del Mar along the southern California coastline began a citywide process to improve streetscapes with the intention to preserve and enhance the tangible qualities of the community. In 2019, construction began of the downtown streetscape portion, which will bring these concepts to fruition, building up the commercial center of the city.
DeepRoot’s Silva Cells play an integral role in the sidewalks on both of the roadsides along the boulevard, planned for nearly three dozen landscaping areas along the seven-block streetscape. They will provide underground bioretention and a mechanism to promote healthy tree growth. Stormwater that flows from the sidewalks and neighborhood business areas is directed to the Silva Cell system via sheet flow into a trench drain system. The trench drain system collects the runoff and directs it into the Silva Cell system where it is distributed throughout the Silva Cell soil volume.
Integration of Silva Cells enables the City to achieve compliance with the County of San Diego’s Best Management Practice (BMP) Design Manual. An update effective January 1, 2019 includes Appendix K “Guidance on Green Infrastructure”, which lists Silva Cells as a suitable BMP for implementation to be coupled with Tree Wells.
Are you in the Del Mar area? Would you like to visit the site or get more information? Connect with us for more on how Silva Cells benefit your next infrastructure project in your communities.
The Downtown Streetscape Project will beautify Camino Del Mar Boulevard and improve safety between 9th and Plaza streets through new sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes, street furniture, landscaping, paving and other improvements. Construction began early 2019 and is scheduled to run through June 2019.
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