
8 Streets I’d Like To Live On

Augusta, Georgia (beardenb

It’s raining and about 53 degrees Fahrenheit in San Francisco. Depending on where you are that may sound good or bad. But either way, we’re barely at winter’s halfway mark, and I don’t know about you, but Cheerful Things seem in order right about now.

Today, rather than bellyaching over sad, stunted, dead/dying street trees, let’s take a look at a selection of some of the prettiest and biggest street trees from around the world. Some ordinary, some extraordinary, all lovely to behold.

Seattle, WA (Lara604)

Philadelphia, PA (sixes & sevens): 

London, UK (Timitrius): 

Hong Kong (oriolsalvador)

Buenos Aires, Argentina (blmurch)

Chennai, India (Ravages)

Cairo, Egypt (Claudia Sofia)

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