The Silva Cell® System has been installed across the UK, from as south as Plymouth and as north as Inverness. Here are some of our projects installed, highlighting the Silva Cell System’s effectiveness at: providing ample soil volumes for tree growth; structural stability for surrounding hard paved surfaces; powerful stormwater attenuation and bioretention; and ease of installation and retrofit into new or existing projects. If you wish to discuss any of the case studies or how the Silva Cell System can be used for your specific application, then please contact us!
10 Years of Success for Silva Cells and the Salford Quays
An oasis of nine trees thrives below a bustling roundabout in Salford, U.K. Part of the Gateway Quays project, the Himalayan Birch (Betula Utilis Jacquemontii) trees are supported by 184 Silva Cells, providing over 47m3 of shared rooting volume.
Application type: Stormwater, Pedestrian-Cycling traffic, Trees
Quays Gateway Case Study
8 Years of Success for Silva Cells and the London Planes at the entrance to BCM.
The memorial designers, Liam O’Connor Architects and Planning Consultants sought a lasting and majestic presence to their design. The trees complement the surrounding Green Park, and like natural guardians, the trees provide separation and border between the busy road and the memorial, enhancing a sense of place.
Application type: Municipal Government, Pedestrian traffic, Trees
Bomber Command Memorial Case Study
Silva Cell Leeds the way in regeneration historic square.
Sovereign Square is the first significant redevelopment in Leeds City Centre in a generation. “Sovereign Square will become a gateway into a future City Park that will help transform Leeds into a healthier more attractive and ecologically diverse place.” Landezine Magazine (2017)
Application type: City Square, Plaza, Municipal Government, Water, Trees
Sovereign Square Case Study
Superstore Puts the Environment First
Shedding water into Silva Cell system will permit regeneration of the water course. Slowing the water down will also have powerful effects downstream, helping to avoid flooding and non-point-source pollution and thereby improving the quality of adjacent water bodies. The increased size and health of the trees in the car park, similarly, will improve the air quality, reduce heat-island effects, and create a more satisfying experience for Superstore shoppers.
Application type: Parking lot, Trees, Stormwater
LIDL Store Car Park Case Study
Silva Cell provides additional soil for 20 car park trees
Connecting Derby is a government funded integrated transport project that aims to improve transport links in and around the Derby City Centre. High on the Council’s agenda for the site was to improve the aesthetics of the Abbey Street car park following the removal of the original London plane trees from the site.
Application type: Parking lot, Trees, Stormwater
Connecting Derby Case Study
19th Century Market Gets a Green Upgrade
Silva Cells were installed to provide 10m3 of soil per tree in shared planters (meaning trees have access to closer to 15 m3 each). 20 mature Hornbeams were planted and are already helping to create a space that is friendly and inviting.
Application type: Plaza, Trees, Parking Lot
Trinity Square Case Study
Dortmund Square in Leeds gives iconic London Plane 30 m3 of soil.
The designers wanted to ensure that the tree would thrive well beyond the next century, and to increase their urban tree canopy cover, they needed a long-term solution that would prevent soil compaction and provide adequate soil volume to the tree’s roots to foster its full growth. Step in Silva Cell.
Application type: Plaza, Trees
Dortmund Square Case Study
Revitalizing Manchester using green infrastructure to manage stormwater.
City of Trees Manchester, in partnership with the University of Manchester, wanted to assess how trees and soil under paving could be used as a form of ultra-urban “green infrastructure” to improve water quality and reduce the amount of runoff directed into the sewer. The selected site for the project site is a pavement in a residential area in Salford near Manchester. This was a challenging environment on a site where trees had previously failed and had to be removed.
Application type: Streetscape, Stormwater, Trees
Howard Street Case Study
Revitalizing trees along Kings Road in Harrogate.
Big trees are defining landscape features, and communities form emotional attachments to them. If they are removed, people often want to see replacements right away. After trees along the footpath outside the Convention Centre were removed, the local authority felt it was urgently important to provide replacements. The trees flank the entrance as you approach the building, and any new plantings would need adequate soil in order to survive and grow in to arresting parts of the landscape.
Application type: Streetscape, Stormwater, Trees
Harrogate Footpath Case Study