
Differing Opinions: Silva Cells and CU Soil

May’s issue of Arboricultural Consultant, the magazine of the American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA) has side-by-side articles by James Urban, FASLA, and Nina Bassuk, Ph.D. discussing different methods for providing trees with soil underneath paving.  Jim’s article is on “Comparing Silva Cells and Structural Soil,” and Nina’s is on “The Why’s and How’s of… More

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Specifying and Selecting Quality Nursery Stock James Urban Webinar

Earlier this month we hosted a webinar where James Urban, FASLA was the guest speaker. This webinar complemented Jim’s article in the April 2013 issue of Landscape Architecture Magazine, “The Root of the Problem.” During the webinar, Jim spoke about one of the most important points in the process of designing and planting a tree: that moment… More

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Touch the Soil: Healthy Soils for Healthy Trees

Alex Shigo, one of the most famous plant biologists and fathers of arboriculture, is widely credited with making huge improvements to standard industry practices. One of his famous sayings was an exhortation to “touch trees.” I’ve adapted this to my own related specialty, urban trees and soils, which is why I often tell landscape architects and other… More

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