Video Tour of ASLA Green Roof
httpv:// Neat video from the ASLA giving us a tour of the green roof on their Washington, D.C. headquarters. I wouldn’t mind a place like that to each lunch when nice weather arrives.
httpv:// Neat video from the ASLA giving us a tour of the green roof on their Washington, D.C. headquarters. I wouldn’t mind a place like that to each lunch when nice weather arrives.
March: In like a lion and out like a lamb, right? Or, in the case of the Bay Area, in like a burrito and out like a shawarma (what?). Either way, here is what we have in our date book for March.
Another very handy post from Blooming Rock that I have to pass along, this time about how to pick the right tree for the right location from guest blogger Lysistrata Hall, a Landscape Architect I with the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department and one of the principal authors of the Tree and Shade Master Plan.
Taz Loomans of Blooming Rock shared a poem called “The Contractor & The Architect,” written in 1954, that she found in a copy of Arizona Builder & Contractor Magazines while doing research for a different article. It is too good not to share here!
So, usually we’re talking about big trees on this blog. Today our partner Sarah K. Faiks, a sustainable landscape architect with the Kestrel Design Group, flips us on our ear and discusses small trees instead — and what bonsai has to teach us about urban tree planting techniques. The art and practice of bonsai has… More
“How much does the Silva Cell cost?” As you can imagine, this question comes up a lot; some of you have probably asked it yourselves. Designers, owners, and policy-makers all (rightfully) want to know. We’re not being coy when we invariably answer, “Um, it depends!” because to give an accurate price quote we need a… More
By Albert Key While there is much empirical information on wind throw, ultimately, we do not know the exact stresses which wind puts on mature trees, as the only way to academically test wind throw is with young trees. A study that I worked on with Dr. Tom Smiley of the Bartlett Tree Laboratory generated… More
The Silva Cell portion of the Project 180 (Oklahoma City) Streetscape – Phase 3 began a couple of weeks ago. Installation Coordinator Pat Greeley was on site to conduct a contractor training and oversee the initial phase.
By L. Peter MacDonagh, RLA, ISA, LEEP-AP I have a lot of discussions about the role of trees, soil and stormwater in the urban environment — particularly, about how much more effective than your average stormwater system that they can be at managing daily rainfall events. Sometimes I encounter disbelief that this could be the case,… More
I like the ASLA blog The Dirt quite a bit. They cover a variety of topics and showcase different voices and viewpoints (I especially liked Rene Bihan’s “Nature is Dead” piece and the “Landscape Architects Must Fight For Public Health” editorial). A recent entry, “Leveraging the Landscape to Manage Stormwater,” combines an article and a… More
Switching gears here for a sec — it being Friday and all — I really need advice about getting birds to come to my window-mounted bird feeder.
By Graham Ray It turns out that getting a blog entry done by me in time to kick off the year is about as likely as getting our family holiday card out in time for, well, the holidays! Something about twin three year olds and the demands of work just keep getting in the way…. More