
Photos from Silva Cell Installation at 1111 Lincoln Road Mall (Miami, FL)

This set of photos is from a Silva Cell installation along Lincoln Road Mall in Miami, FL. This mixed-use promenade utilized Silva Cells in two areas: to provide additional soil volume underneath concrete mangrove water garden planters, and in a parking area along this iconic pedestrian walkway. James Urban, FASLA and Raymond Jungles, Inc. did the design; installation by GT McDonald began in February 2009 and was completed several months later.

We also just finished up a complete case study on this project; you can read it here (scroll to the bottom of the “Featured Projects” section to find it).

Is it just me, or does that Banana Republic look like a morgue? (Sorry, BR).

The system used on this site was two Silva Cell frames deep.

The workers start putting soil in the system.

In this instance, the soil in the middle — which is where the tree will be planted — will have to be hand dug back out prior to planting.

The site from above. See the Silva Cell frame and deck boxes on the left hand side.

So that was the basics of the installation. And when we visited the site a year later, in March 2010, these are the happy trees we found:

(On a side note, isn’t that a black and white Portuguese mosaic pretty?)

The Silva Cells are providing about 400 cubic feet (11.3 cubic meters) of additional bioretention soil to these Live Oak, Kapok, Bald Cypress, and Mangroves. This project received an Award of Excellence in the commercial category from the Florida ASLA.

Thanks, Al Key and Raymond Jungles Inc. for the images!

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