The large-opening lids used for Silva Cell installations (known as “strong-backs”) ensure that soil placement can be done quickly and in large volumes. Labor cost is always a fluctuating unknown in any project – Silva Cells keep this to a minimum by maximizing efficiency during the installation process.
Silva Cells are simple to install – but DeepRoot also offers helpful service support throughout the process. Our resources include manuals, videos, and FAQs; likewise, our technical team offers a complimentary pre-installation training session and ongoing support as needed during installation.
Sometimes the best way to understand how installation works is to watch video of other installations! Our installation video library offers a number of visual resources, from simple construction-site montages to specific steps in the installation process.
Large deposits of soil can be placed at once, making Silva Cell installation both timely and efficient
The “strong back” installation lids have large openings, allowing for walk-through compaction of the soil
Silva Cells can work around nearly any obstacle, including integrating utilities within its void space
The pre-installation meeting is one of the most important — and free! — services offered by DeepRoot.
They provide an opportunity for a DeepRoot representative to meet with installing contractors prior to the start of their Silva Cell installations to help ensure that they’re comfortable with the installation process. What are the details of these meetings?
Once participants have been confirmed and we’ve agreed on a date and time, an online meeting is set up. Having the meetings online provides the opportunity for other members of the project team to participate in the meeting no matter their physical location. All they need to join is internet/phone access.
Who should participate in this meeting? At minimum, the installing contractor’s project manager and on-site supervisor should attend. But there is enormous value in including as many other members of the project team or other stakeholders as possible. The best installations are those which begin with a pre-installation meeting that is attended by as many representatives as possible (including the GM/CM, designers, QA/QC associates, city staff, and any other trades affected by the work).
While it often feels difficult fitting another meeting into your schedule, remember that time spent resolving issues such as submittals, QA/QC requirements and responsibilities, schedule, and access — before they can negatively impact productivity in the field — gets paid back with dividends. Don’t miss the opportunity!
Do you need to have prior Silva Cell experience to install the system? No!
Our Standard Specifications call for Silva Cells to be installed by a “qualified installer whose work has resulted in successful installation of planting soils and planter drainage systems, underground piping, chambers, and vault structures.” In other words, contractors can meet these requirements without having prior Silva Cell experience, provided that they have five years of related work experience: simply supply the project owner with a list of a few successfully completed projects that are of a similar size (project scale) and complexity. For example, projects that required the contractor to perform the same work efforts that are needed for installing Silva Cells (such as layout/grade control, excavation, compaction, installing drainage systems, plantings, and similar). Having an experienced supervisor (which, again, can be accomplished without direct Silva Cell experience) is one of the most important components, as required in our Standard Qualifications:
We offer a variety of free services and tools designed to help contractors feel comfortable installing Silva Cells, including pre-construction meetings and video tutorials.