Please contact us by telephone at 800.458.7668 and we will be happy to work on cost estimates for your project with you. If you like, we will review projects plans to help ensure the right product is selected to work within your plans.
At DeepRoot we sell only through qualified distributors that cater to the professional landscape and engineering contractor. We have a large network of distributors throughout the USA and Canada. Please contact us by e-mail ([email protected]) or telephone at 800.458.7668, and be sure to include your city, state and telephone area code and we’ll give you a list of distributors in your area. You can also purchase through one of our catalog partners that can drop ship directly to you.
Projects vary widely and every site is different. If you don’t see an application that suits the planting situation you are working on please call us at 800.458.7668 and we’ll work with you to develop the best specification for your project.
DeepRoot is certified by the Florida Board of Landscape Architecture to offer Continuing Education Unit credit. Our course is titled “Managing Tree Root and Infrastructure Conflicts with Root Barriers”. Please contact Al Key at [email protected].
We also offer a “Lunch & Learn” program to educate your staff on the use of our products. If you are interested in this program please e-mail us at [email protected] and we’ll get in touch with you to schedule a seminar.
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