
Silva Cell Installation at University of South Carolina

Silva Cells were recently installed at the University of South Carolina as part of a larger multi-use tailgate facility. The site, which is across the street from the school’s stadium, formerly housed the South Carolina State Farmers Market.

Designed by Wood + Partners, this space will be used year-round for sports and civic events such as concerts, festivals, and outdoor gatherings.

The Cells are used to connect tree pits along Bluff Road.

The enhanced rooting space isn’t the only “green” element on the site. Recycled asphalt and infiltration and bio-retention storm drainage basins were also incorporated to improve water quality.

The Silva Cell system was installed by Heritage Landscaping.

Unfortunately we don’t have finished photos of the site and trees yet, but we hope to get some this spring when they leaf out.

 For more photos of this installation, check out our Facebook album.

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