
Vancouver Athlete’s Village Trees Thrive in Silva Cells

The first large-scale Silva Cell installation that we had was at the Olympic Village for the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver, BC. After being specified by PWL Partnership, a total of around 7,000 Silva Cells were installed by the City in 2007 along the seawall promenade adjacent to the Village. This large-scale installation supplied approximately 875 cubic feet (24 cubic meters) for each of the 80 trees that were planted.

The trees were planted on the promenade in January 2007. Here is a photo from the following season, in January 2008. (Brr, Vancouver in winter. Even the trees look cold):

Just eight months later, in August 2009, they were already leafing out nicely and looking very happy!

And these (below) are the trees in May 2010.

Four different species of trees were planted: Easy Street Norway Maple, Forest Green Oak, Emerald Queen Norway Maple, and Armstrong Red Maple. We’re so happy to see the trees looking so damn healthy. If you’re interested in more information about this installation, please read our full case study.

The promenade is now open to the public, so the whole city is now able to enjoy this gorgeous site.You can read more about the sustainable elements of the 2010 Olympic Games here.


  1. George Lim

    I am interested in knowing the tree species that were planted along 1600 block of Columbia Street in the Olympic Village. Can you please help me get this information? Thanks. George

  2. George Lim

    What tree species are planted on the 1600 block of Columbia Street in the Olympic Village?

    • Leda Marritz

      According to the project plans, it looks like Bloodgood London Plane Tree and Armstrong Red Maple on Columbia between 1st Avenue and Walter Hardwick Avenue.

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