The Trees in Cities Challenge is an opportunity for cities to join UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in fighting climate change. Embracing this opportunity helps cities to be resilient in a simple and cost-effective way: a pledge to plant more trees. As a San Francisco Green Infrastructure company, we support this idea.
Scientific research tells us the last 5 years have been the hottest on record since 1880. San Francisco is susceptible to these extremes. San Francisco Department of Public Health’s 2018, “Climate and Health Report” states, “Due to San Francisco’s temperate climate, most people don’t view San Francisco as a place of concern for extreme heat events, but climate change models project that heat waves will increase in frequency and severity and San Francisco is particularly vulnerable because of our lack of physiologic and technologic adaptations”.
DeepRoot advocates using Natural Climate Solutions to protect San Franciscans from the inevitable 90°+ days. As our company is based in the heart of downtown San Francisco, we are deeply connected to these issues. Our company and our products are a conduit for creating, big, healthy trees, and increasing urban canopy coverage.
Trees provide:
Natural shade & natural air coolant
Healthy air that is safe to breathe
Encourages space for biodiversity and social inclusion Economic prosperity
Flood Control
Trees reduce:
The need for air conditioning CO2 emissions
Noise pollution
Stormwater Pollution
San Francisco has pledged to be one of the C40 cities as part of the Sustainable Communities policy platform of the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS). Understanding that the commitment is geared toward waste reduction and cutting landfill disposal in half by 2030, we want to continue the ambitious fight to “save our planet for generations to come”, by including the Trees in Cities Challenge. This challenge of implementing the 2030 Agenda targets the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 3-Good Health and Well Being, 15-Life on Land, 11-Sustainable Cities and Communities, 13-Climate Action.
Please visit: to learn more about UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the Trees in Cities Challenge.
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