Last week Silva Cells were installed for one of two trees in front of the new Apple Store in Spokane, WA.
This site previously housed a building, of which only the foundation — filled with pea rock — remained. Clearwater Summit Group, the contractor for this streetscape installation, did a great job, first excavating the pea rock to make room for the Silva Cells. Once the two-deep Silva Cell system was installed they used a conveyor (slinger) truck to place both the planting soil and backfill material, which simplified and accelerated the installation nicely within the congested downtown setting.
Drip irrigation line was added directly underneath the Silva Cell decks to ensure adequate water supply. The outer perimeter of the Silva Cell system was backfilled with pea rock to ensure compaction between the Silva Cells and the remnants of the existing foundation. The flexibility of the system was a big advantage because of the need to work around the existing foundation and new and abandoned utility lines.
Sherry Pratt Van Voorhis are the designers on this project. Nice job everyone! But where was Steve J.?
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