
Using Trees and Soils in Urban Stormwater Management James Urban Webinar

Flickr credit: iPhil

Flickr credit: iPhil

You’re invited to our third James Urban webinar this year! The topic is using trees and soils in urban stormwater management applications.

Date: Wednesday, July 24th, 2013
Time: 11am Pacific/1pm Central/2pm Eastern (please note the start time in your local timezone!)

The treatment and storage of urban storm water is a hot topic in the design professions and often drives large scale site design issues. Trees are often seen as a critical part of the design and concept, but the details of bringing together trees, urban soils, and highly controlled water flows requires levels of understanding that is not typically included in landscape architecture training. Even civil engineering, a profession that specializes in taking water away from sites as fast as possible, does not always offer adequate training in how to use soil and plants to slow water and filter contaminants.

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This session will look at the most frequent mistakes we are making in bringing together storm water with trees in dense urban areas. We will explore a set of “first principles” that must be incorporated before the aesthetic part of the design can be developed. These principles will fundamentally alter the aesthetic of the site and will provide a new framework for designers who are seeking to have form truly follow function. Register here.


  1. Daniel Larkin

    Will a PDH certificate be provided for this webinar?

    • Leda Marritz

      Not officially, no. However, we’re happy to email you after the webinar is over confirming your attendance. Some local chapters will allow you to petition for credit on a case by case basis.

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