Got an idea or an opinion on how to make New York City a more sustainable community? Gotham is looking for your ideas and your votes.
The NYC Department of Long Term Planning and Sustainability has set up an idea marketplace where anyone can submit and/or vote on their favorite ideas for improving New York’s environmental footprint and overall functioning. The entries are based on completing the sentence, “One idea to create a greener, greater NYC is to ________________.”
The idea is that, with enough input and votes, policy makers can take cues on what really matters to New Yorkers as they revise PlaNYC in Spring 2011. There is already a “Plant More Trees” option out there, which naturally we’re eager to see rise to the top of the heap. But there are also tons of other interesting (and sometimes odd) ideas in there, so go get voting!
You do not need to be a Gothamite to participate — anyone can submit their ideas for what to add or change about the Plan, and then members of the public click to vote on their favorite ideas by comparing two at a time. The results are posted on the site, and there is no limit to the number of times you can vote. You can contribute your suggestions by clicking the green “Add your own idea” button on the website, or by texting 917-791-3064.
Also, Nanaimo Bars!
You may not know this, but Canadians are king here at DeepRoot. Our fearless leaders? Canadian. Our bosses? Canadian. Our two most good-looking colleagues? Also Canadian!
So, in honor of them, I wanted this Friday Follies to share Nanaimo Bars, the strange and delightful treats pictured in this post that are the apple pie (?) of Canada, or at least British Columbia. Not only will friends and foes alike be impressed with Nanaimo Bars, the name alone suggests that you have cultured and sophisticated tastes. I should say that I have never made myself, but my (Canadian) friend Jenny makes them regularly, and they’re always fantastic.
Image from kitchen goddess
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