
Four Recent Silva Cell Installations

Spring is always a busy time at DeepRoot, and this year is no different. Here are a few photos from four recent Silva Cell installations. To see full albums of each of these installations, check out our Facebook page.

VA Hospital (Orlando, FL)
This Silva Cell installation in the parking lot outside this Veteran’s Administration hospital in Orlando, FL — pictured above — will provide 1,000 ft3 of soil per tree to 33 trees. The Cells are filled with a bioretention soil mix to manage stormwater runoff as well.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Plaza (Washington D.C.)
This plaza and streetscape project is adjacent to a newly created memorial to civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. The Silva Cells run around the visitor’s center and along West Basin Drive, providing soil volume to eleven trees. The system uses a bioretention soil mix to optimize on-site stormwater management as well as mature tree growth. American Elm and cherry trees will be planted soon.

Smothers Park (Owensboro, KY)
Smothers Park & Riverfront Crossing is a five acre project that is part of an Owensboro, KY downtown revitalization effort. A central promenade with benches, plants, bike racks and paths will span St. Elizabeth Street to Davies Street. The park will also contain an outdoor children’s museum and playground. The Silva Cells are lining both sides of Veteran’s Boulevard, the gateway street through Smother’s Park, and are providing soil volume to a total of 52 trees.

Project 180 (Oklahoma City, OK)
We posted some photos of the beginning of this installation back in January. The entirety of Project 180 is 100 blocks long, encompassing 8.5 miles of streets and sidewalks. Phase 3 is 10 blocks long and includes all of Walker Ave., Sheridan Ave., California Ave. and Main Street. There will be 160 trees planted in the Silva Cells for Phase 3, including Black Gum, Bald Cypress, Shumard Oak and Shantung Maple.

For full albums of each of these installations with waaaay more pictures, visit our Facebook page.

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