
Silva Cell Stormwater Testing Data Available Fall 2010

Almost a year ago I guest-posted on Landscape Architecture Resource’s blog about Toronto’s forward-thinking adoption of green utilities like trees and soil to help treat stormwater. In that post, I discussed a Silva Cell stormwater proof-of-concept installation that we completed, in conjunction with the City of Toronto and Ryerson University, along The Queen’s Way in Toronto, ON.

In this installation, the Silva Cell was designed to serve as a bioretention swale under the sidewalk and parking lay-bys of a major thoroughfare. The Silva Cell system, which was two Cells deep, was filled with a bioretention soil mix to slow, clean, and store rain from average rainfall events on-site. New trees that were planted would bring additional power to this stormwater management system by “pumping” water up through their trunks and out of the system, as well as by evapotranspiring water with their canopies. Stormwater monitoring equipment was installated to track the flow quality of infiltration and quality of water in and out of the Silva Cell system.

Due to a City of Toronto strike and some boring construction nonsense, the testing data ended up not being available by Fall 2009, as we originally thought. However, we’re pleased that we’re on track to have the monitoring data available by Fall 2010. We look forward to sharing it with our partners and clients then.

One comment

  1. Anthony Cicconi

    I am bidding a project in Boston tomorrow and it calls for 190 cu. ft. of Silva Cells. I believe it is one tree and the city is experiencing with this procedure possibly for the future. The tree will be going in the sidewalk area. I have no clue on how much it costs for each cu. cell. Can you present me with an approximate dollar amount for this 190 cu. ft. of Silva Cell.
    Thank You,
    Anthony Cicconi
    Cicconi and Sons const, co,. inc (617)-438-9915

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