
March Event Schedule

March: In like a lion and out like a lamb, right? Or, in the case of the Bay Area, in like a burrito and out like a shawarma (what?). Either way, here is what we have in our date book for March.

March 1 – 3: EcoBuild UK
eXcel Centre
London, UK 

Graham Ray, Steve Chatwin-Grindey, myself, and the Geosynthetics team (our UK distributors) will be there. Fish and chips! Big Ben! Cheerio, old chap!

March 1: Stormwater U.: Redefining Drainage
Location TBD
Rochester, MN 

Peter MacDonagh will be presenting at this workshop focused on redefining site drainage. Participants will learn how to retain rain to meet local and state requirements and permits. Presentations will cover regulatory overview, assessment of existing conditions (infiltration rates), BMP selection to meet 1” detention and 1/2” retention of a 24 hour storm, construction and post construction inspections, checklists, and enforcement. An in-depth discussion on related policies and processes to standardize requirements will follow.

March 3 – 4: Minnesota Erosion Control Association
Crowne Plaza, Plymouth 

Peter doing his thang, talking about trees, soil and stormwater.

March 8 – 9: Iowa Stormwater Conference
Scheman Building, Iowa State University
Ames, IA

Peter doing his thang, talking about trees, soil and stormwater… in Iowa this time.

Image: Squidoo

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