
First Silva Cell Installation Four Years Later

Over four years ago we had our first Silva Cell installation, on the sidewalk in front of a DeepRooter’s house in Redwood City, CA. The picture above was taken shortly after the installation was completed. So, what does it look like today?

That’s a happy tree.



  1. Leda Marritz

    Hi John, thanks for your comment! This is a private residence and the long term tree care is the responsibility of the owner… having said that, we’ll remind them that it’s time to remove the stakes!

    • Jennifer Vessels

      Great example! Separately can you send me the address via email?? I keep driving by and not remembering the specific address.

  2. I had the privilege to participate in the installation, processing the permits for the work in the public right-of-way through the City . The Silva Cells were used under the sidewalk and driveway. The tree appears to be growing well.

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